Mr Yusuph Amiri is a youth located at Ndago Iramba district. He is thanking SIDO for providing room of growth to his business which was his dream.
Mr Yusuph Amiri is a sunflower processor at Ndago Iramba District; he started processing refined sunflower oil December 2014 with capital of 240 Million, he own a company called YAZA INVESTMENT CO LTD. Before started processing he was engaged in supply of sunflower seeds to other sunflower processing industries. In 2012 he was able to meet with SIDO and sale his idea of establishing sunflower oil processing industry. After discussing with SIDO he was advised to think of having refinery unit and exploit the TIB and NMB as he has all condition that fit for tapping the opportunities including land, nearby infrastructure and being at strategic areas to raw materials and growing semi urban area. Mr Yusuf opened his mind and complies with SIDO and he started the project after linked with NMB for financial support.
He also received technical and business advisory services that help him to improve his building structure and other industry environment to comply with TFDA and TBS requirement. He installed two machines for pressing seeds which are new model here Tanzania, seeds dry system and oil refined system also he installed carried/conveyer system for transferring seeds to the processing and seed cleaners machine and caring sunflower cake from processing to other room. Machine installed has capacity of 30 (thirty) tones in twenty four hours.
Mr Yusuph already linked by SIDO to different institution such as GS1 and acquires bar code for filtered and refined sunflower oil, supported on application to TBS and TFDA already acquired TBS and TFDA certificates.
To day he produces 30 tones of sunflower seeds and gets 4,929 liters of refined oil and 21 tones of sunflower cake he is proud for being SIDO member family.
For this short time of production (two month) his market outreach has increased to out side Region such as Dar es Salaam, Arusha and Mtwara. His business is progressing well and he manages to employ 17 permanent workers and 24 part times. He is planning to increase production capacity to produce 60 tones per day by adding other two processing machine and products refined sunflower oil to cross border to other countries
His family is enjoying from the fruits of the project as now his family is at good house and children are at good school. He is advising other entrepreneurs that before investing contact with SIDO for the advice and investment consultation that will make business to be competitive and grow.
He thanks SIDO for making his dream into reality.