Though Singida has been able to curtail most of the Socio- economic problem over a period of time, proper use of human resource is not put to proper use. It is a well established fact that proper training and guidance of under privileged people, especially weaker section and women, empower them to become the master of their destiny.

HABIBA SAID SENGASU of VETA area in Singida has created an example. In this regard she approached SIDO Singida for training in food and preservation skills (especially milk). The training takes five days, again she attended three days training in credit management skills, and both training was conducted by SIDO Singida staffs officers.

The training motivated HABIBA SENGASU to put more effort in poultry, in the beginning she started with 50 chicks she received financial assistance loan amount of Tsh 1,000,000/= the loan was used to buy more chicks.

At present HABIBA SENGASU has more than 800 poultry birds, which produce more than 500 eggs per day, average daily earning approximately to Tsh 150,000/= for sales of eggs only.

Mama Sengasu family is delighted and with herself doing self employment business. And she declared that before this business her life was very difficult.

Mr Mohamed Handeja, her husband and 3 labours they are satisfied with that income and her self employment. The poultry business enabled the family to build a good house, acquired a business car, power tiller and payment of school fees for the children.

Project poultry keeping managed to employ 3 boys. HABIBA SENGASU and her husband Mr, Mohamed Nandeja’s future dreams are to have a big area for poultry farm which can accommodates more than five thousand poultry birds, with the help of SIDO Singida, Mama Sengasu and Mr Mohamed has become a source of inspiration for others in Singida town they both thanked SIDO Singida for training and financial support.

“Advice to my fellow SMEs determination is the key of success”POULTRY WAY TO SUCCESS

Though Singida has been able to curtail most of the Socio- economic problem over a period of time, proper use of human resource is not put to proper use. It is a well established fact that proper training and guidance of under privileged people, especially weaker section and women, empower them to become the master of their destiny.

HABIBA SAID SENGASU of VETA area in Singida has created an example. In this regard she approached SIDO Singida for training in food and preservation skills (especially milk). The training takes five days, again she attended three days training in credit management skills, and both training was conducted by SIDO Singida staffs officers.

The training motivated HABIBA SENGASU to put more effort in poultry, in the beginning she started with 50 chicks she received financial assistance loan amount of Tsh 1,000,000/= the loan was used to buy more chicks.

At present HABIBA SENGASU has more than 800 poultry birds, which produce more than 500 eggs per day, average daily earning approximately to Tsh 150,000/= for sales of eggs only.

Mama Sengasu family is delighted and with herself doing self employment business. And she declared that before this business her life was very difficult.

Mr Mohamed Handeja, her husband and 3 labours they are satisfied with that income and her self employment. The poultry business enabled the family to build a good house, acquired a business car, power tiller and payment of school fees for the children.

Project poultry keeping managed to employ 3 boys. HABIBA SENGASU and her husband Mr, Mohamed Nandeja’s future dreams are to have a big area for poultry farm which can accommodates more than five thousand poultry birds, with the help of SIDO Singida, Mama Sengasu and Mr Mohamed has become a source of inspiration for others in Singida town they both thanked SIDO Singida for training and financial support.

“Advice to my fellow SMEs determination is the key of success”


Though Singida has been able to curtail most of the Socio- economic problem over a period of time, proper use of human resource is not put to proper use. It is a well established fact that proper training and guidance of under privileged people, especially weaker section and women, empower them to become the master of their destiny.

HABIBA SAID SENGASU of VETA area in Singida has created an example. In this regard she approached SIDO Singida for training in food and preservation skills (especially milk). The training takes five days, again she attended three days training in credit management skills, and both training was conducted by SIDO Singida staffs officers.

The training motivated HABIBA SENGASU to put more effort in poultry, in the beginning she started with 50 chicks she received financial assistance loan amount of Tsh 1,000,000/= the loan was used to buy more chicks.

At present HABIBA SENGASU has more than 800 poultry birds, which produce more than 500 eggs per day, average daily earning approximately to Tsh 150,000/= for sales of eggs only.

Mama Sengasu family is delighted and with herself doing self employment business. And she declared that before this business her life was very difficult.

Mr Mohamed Handeja, her husband and 3 labours they are satisfied with that income and her self employment. The poultry business enabled the family to build a good house, acquired a business car, power tiller and payment of school fees for the children.

Project poultry keeping managed to employ 3 boys. HABIBA SENGASU and her husband Mr, Mohamed Nandeja’s future dreams are to have a big area for poultry farm which can accommodates more than five thousand poultry birds, with the help of SIDO Singida, Mama Sengasu and Mr Mohamed has become a source of inspiration for others in Singida town they both thanked SIDO Singida for training and financial support.

“Advice to my fellow SMEs determination is the key of success”

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