Training Catalog

Training Catalog consist of different packages of trainings and their descriptions, if you want to find more information concerning a certain type of training, this training catalog can provide relevant information on such kind of training starting with its contents, Approach/Methodology, Specific Clients Targeted, Programme Fee and Duration of Course.

To impart food processing knowledge, skills and experience to the participant that will make them use locally available raw materials to process different food products
  • Training Course: 
    Module Name: 
    food processing module
    Module Details: 
    This module cover principle of food processing, food safety and hygiene and 5 practical processing of Jam, Yogurt, Tomato, Nutritious flour and Mango pickle
Participatory Approach
Lindi district citizen
Programme Fee:
Duration of the Course:
1 week

SIDO Lindi invited All citizen to attend food processing training
Date : 25/04/2018
Fee: 40,000/=
Contact: 0714044385
Your required to register your name and pay the fee 2 day before training

5 food product will practical processed
Your  welcome 

The main objective of the project is reduce post-harvest losses of agricultural produces e.g. cereals, fruit and vegetables as well as livestock, hence improve food security and household income.
  • Module Name: 
    Food Processing module 1
    Module Details: 
    Food preservation Food Hygiene Practical :Tomato sauce , Peanut butter, Nutritious flours and Juices
Practical preparation of the products and Theory ( participatory Approach)
Youth who are involved into SNV Project
Programme Fee:
Full funded
Duration of the Course:
5 days


 150 Youth will undergo training of food processing from 15 June up to 25 July 2016 at Kilimanjaro region, the youth will be divided into 5 groups each group will be with 30 participants. The first bach will start on 15 -20/06/2016 and last batch start from 20/07/2016

To enable food processors to know how Watermelon Jelly can be processed
  • Training Course: 
    Module Name: 
    Watermelon jelly processing
    Module Details: 
    Module details are: - 1. Cleanliness and safety of watermelon jelly. 2. Equipment's required in processing watermelon jelly. 3. Theory and Practical training. 4. Packaging watermelon jelly. 5. Calculating cost and price setting.
Methodology of training used is Participation and practical training.
New processors and processors of long time in the food processing sector.
Programme Fee:
TZS. 100,000/= per each participants. This charge is for two products of the same type, but different raw materials, and this is for fee and stationary.
Duration of the Course:
One week.

Watermelon Jelly is processed from watermelon juice. Other contents needed in making watermelon jelly are: -

1. Watermelon juice.

2. Sugar.

3. Green ginger

4. Pectin.

5. Citric acid.


Processing of watermelon jelly has no any difference from other jam processing. The existing difference is only the contents.

The aims of training these skills of mushroom farming are: - 1. To get healthy food in the whole year without waiting raining seasons. 2. To create employment to women and youths because this farming needs very small capital and crops are obtained in very short time. 3. To train recycling uses for farm wastes. 4. To reduce environmental damage by using wastes. 5. To get mushrooms which have got enough vitamins. 6. To reduce deaths due to using poison mushrooms.
  • Training Course: 
    Module Name: 
    Mushroom farming
    Module Details: 
    The module has about three sections as follows: - 1. Preparation of shed to be used for farming mushrooms. 2. Preparation of substrates, this include boiling the substrates. 3. Putting substrates in plastic bags. 4. Sowing seeds in plastic bags. 5. Save plastic bags in a dark room for 2 - 4 weeks, then sway the plastic bags on the shelf.
Method of training is theory and practical.
New mushrooms farmers.
Programme Fee:
Tshs. 150,000/= per each participant. ( This is fee and stationary)
Duration of the Course:
Two weeks.

The following are the items needed if you want to farm mushrooms:

1. Substrates.

2. Sword.

3. Nylon for covering the table.

4. Big table.

5. Mushroom seeds.

6. Shed for farming the mushroom.

7. Plastic bags which is capable to carry 3 - 4 Kg of substrates.

8. Big pan for boiling substrates.

9. Rope for tighting plastic bags.

10. Stand for keeping boiled sustrates. This is built by using sticks or bamboo.


Those items listed above are the main needs for farming mushrooms. Now how to farm you must need a training on the farming skills.

To enable processors to know products which can be processed from Jack fruit, to learn methods of processing and how to preserve them.
  • Training Course: 
    Module Name: 
    Products which can be processed from Jack fruit
    Module Details: 
    1. Cleanliness and safety of Jack fruit products. 2. Control of Jack fruit products quality 3. Equipment required and not required in processing Jack fruit products. 4. Theory and practical training in Jack fruit products processing. 5. Packaging Jack fruit products. 6. Cost and price setting
Method of training is all participation and practical training
New processors and processors of long time in the food processing sector.
Programme Fee:
TZS. 100,000/=
Duration of the Course:
One week

Jack fruit as a largest fruit in Tanzania. It is farmed mainly in the coastal area of Tanzania. Jackfruit can produce more than seven products, and some of these are: -

1. Jack fruit pickle.

2. Jack fruit Jam.

3. jack fruit squash.

4. Jack fruit wine.

5. Jack fruits yrup

6. Jack fruit chips

7.  Jackfruit chocklate

At the end of programm tailors will have skills on Embroidery Making.
  • Training Course: 
    Module Name: 
    Embroidery making
    Module Details: 
    1.Different Patch work embroidery deign. 2.Different bed sheet and pillow cover cloth design. 3.Dress and shirt embroidery design. 4.Different chairs and cushions cloth embroidery design.
Participatory learning approach,group discussion,practical exercise
Small tailors
Programme Fee:
TZs 100,000 per participants (fees,food and stationeries)
Duration of the Course:
1 week
Train Small Tailors to be able to produce different types of clothes.
  • Module Name: 
    Dress Designing
    Module Details: 
    1.Provision of different cloth designing skills. 2.Improve artisans creativity in tailoring. 3.Provision of cutting and sewing skills. 4.Checking quality of dresses made.
Participatory learning approach, group discussion, exercises.
Small Tailors.
Programme Fee:
TZs150,000 per participants (fees,food and stationeries)
Duration of the Course:
1 week
At the end of the programme participants will be able to service and repair sewing machine.
  • Module Name: 
    Sewing Machine Repair and Maintenance
    Module Details: 
    1.Sewing Machines Refurbishment. 2.Problem identification and repair. 3.Maintenance and Operation of Sewing Machines. 4.Treadle Base Maintenance. 5. Maintenance of tools 6.How to start a small workshop os servicing and Repairing Sewing Machine.
Participatory learning approach,lectures,testing of knowledge skills.
Young persons having idea of using Sewing Machines and wants to start small workshop.
Programme Fee:
TZs 200,000 per participants(fees,food and stationeries)
Duration of the Course:
4 weeks
At the end of the programme,participants will be able to acquire technology on chalk production and establish enterprise.
  • Module Name: 
    Chalk Making Technology
    Module Details: 
    1.Theory of production of chalk. 2.Practical on Production of chalk. 3.Introduction to entrepreneurship. 4.Marketing. 5. Costing. 6. Packing process.
It will be participatory, Group work, Presentations, Individual work etc.
SMEs who wants to invest in chalk production.
Programme Fee:
TZs150,000 per participants (fees,food and stationeries)
Duration of the Course:
1 week
At the end of the programme participants will be able to understand how to make the leather goods and crafts manufacturing,Selection of materials and characteristics of leather and trainees to engage in business by making and producing various items with good quality from leather tanned by themselves.
  • Module Name: 
    Leather Goods and Manufacturing
    Module Details: 
    1.Introduction to leather (Leather defeat and quality of leather) 2.Selection of materials. 3.Types of leather working machines. 4.Simple tools and equipments. 5.Operating of sewing machines. 6.Making simple belts. 7.Making A4 folders. 8.Making Diplomatic bags. 9.Making Wallets. 10.Making School bags 11. Making Sandals. 12.Making Shoes. 13.Making key holders and phone cover.
It will be participatory/facilitated in Swahili or in both English and Swahili, Group work,Presentations,Individual work etc.
Graduate of leather tanning course, shoes makers,leather dealers and cobras.
Programme Fee:
TZS 300,000/= per participant (fees,food and stationeries)
Duration of the Course:
3 weeks
