Kagera is one of the 30 regions of Tanzania located in the extreme north western corner of the Mainland. Bukoba serves as the Region's capital. Kagera region lies just below the Equator between latitudes 1° 00’ and 2° 45’south. In terms of longitude it lies between 30° 25’ and 32°40’ east of Greenwich. It has a common border with Uganda to the north, Rwanda and Burundi to the west, Geita and Kigoma regions to thesouth. The region includes a large portion of Lake Victoria the second largest lake in the World. The region’s large water area of Lake Victoria provides the border to the east with Mwanza, Geita and Mara regions.
Kagera region covers a total area of 40,838 square km with the altitude between 1,100 and 1,800 meters above the sea level. Out of the total area, 28,953 square km is land and 11,885 square km (equivalent to 29% of the total area) is covered by water bodies of Lake Victoria, Ikimba and Burigi Lakes and Ngono and Kagera river. The region has got big islands in the Lake Victoria some of which include Bumbire,Lushonga, Iroba, Ikuuza and other 24 small islands (source: Kagera Regional Investment Profile 2013)
Administratively, the region is divided into Eight (8) Districts namely, Bukoba Urban, Bukoba Rural, Muleba, Biharamulo, Kyerwa, Karagwe Misenyi and Ngara.
Present population is 2,458,028 (2012 census, NBS), with an average growth rate of 3.2% per annum.
Economic Activities
About 90% Kagera regional population are farmers, depending on agriculture with good production of Coffee, Tea, Cotton, Tobacco and Vanilla. These are major cash crops supported by Bananas, Beans, Maize, Groundnuts, and Cassava as the major food crops. Industries are being introduced in the regional as well.
Major Crops
Banana, Coffee, Cassava and Tea
Gold, Cobalt, limestone, Nickel,
Small Industries
Predominant and scattered throughout the region particularly wood woks, carvings, metal works, textiles and clothing, constructions, bricks making, general engineering, food processing, pottery, basketry, grain and oil milling and blacksmith.
Medium and small Industries
All of them engaged on Coffee factories for instant and curing and blending, and Tea blending, food processing and other small producers.
Strengths and Assets
Natural harbor, large fishing grounds along lake Victoria, tourist sites and attractions, good arable land, mineral resources, reliable power supply in urban settlements, institutions Supporting business growth (finance, communication, training and research)